A couple days ago, I posted my "Welcome Back" blog. Yes, I am coming out of blogging retirement. My motivations for doing so will remain my own, but they might have something to do with my insatiable desire for the spotlight, the disgusting amount of monetary compensation promised me and all those who share their musings publicly on the Internet, and/or the constant loving nagging by husband to return to this time-honored tradition. Yeah. Something like that.
Anyway, if you think this post is serving as my (re)debut into the literary realm, sadly you would be mistaken. No, you aren't wrong because you missed a previous post in this blog. You are wrong because I missed a previous post in this blog. Apparently, it is useful to pay attention to what you are doing (I know, surprisingly unexpected and good advice, right?). When one isn't paying attention, one might experience such crazy consequences as, oh, I don't know, how about posting to a blog that one had long since abandoned or closed out when said blog no longer applied to his circumstances. Yes. That was a wordy sentence and hard to follow. But as this is my writing, I will make no excuses or apologies, except to every English teacher I ever had.
If you are so interested, you can read my re-emergence posting into the blogging world at my old blog site. It's called "His2Dads". I trust that you will be able to find it. I also trust you will be a quality audience and share comments as you read these, the highly relevant, socially significant, and history-in-the-making national treasures that are my posts. Stay tuned for an upcoming entry, wherein I might just explore the topic of nose-picking, and the differences in technique as observed between my 5-year old and my 3-year old. That is, if the world is ready for such a ground-breaking discussion.
Until then, see you on the flip side. And don't be lazy - do your homework and leave a comment. Even if you are just saying hi. Don't make me shame you into compliance, because I can and will. Or not. Whatever. I'm back.